Fort Wayne Business Weekly 报告: Region’s wage growth out-paces state

Two-thirds of the counties in northeast Indiana outperformed the state in average weekly wage growth, 经通货膨胀调整, 从经济衰退的第一年开始.


The Indiana Business Bulletin published by the Center for Business and Economic Research at Ball State University presented 2014 average wage data for Indiana and for each county of the state, along with 2008 average made comparable to last year’s averages by adjusting them for inflation.

For example Indiana’s 2014 average weekly wage of $818 was 0.72 percent more than its 2008 inflation adjusted average, which amounted to $812.根据公告,2014年的美元价值为12美元.

该通讯按增长率对各县进行了排名, 首先是俄亥俄县,负增长为-24.54 percent and proceeding to the highest growth rate of a positive 23.苏利文县的支持率为08%. Sullivan was the only county with an increase exceeding the 16.kok娱乐股市上涨9%.

Northeast Indiana counties following top performing Wells in percentage growth were: LaGrange, 6.65; Elkhart, 6.35; Noble, 4.28; DeKalb, 3.01; Adams, 1.33岁,亨廷顿0岁.02. Regional counties listed with negative growth were Steuben, -0.04; Allen, -0.62分,沃巴什-0分.81.

Dagney里, 该中心的研究主任, pulled the data presented in the bulletin from Stats Indiana, which makes Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages data available based on information collected from employers by the Indiana Department of 劳动力 Development.

kok娱乐, job growth has come during the last couple of years from manufacturers such as Bluffton Motor Works, 没有生产, Metaldyne and Penda公司. 也有更多的雇主给高薪, 例如TI Automotive和Haldrup USA, have announced investment that will create jobs in the coming years, 蒂姆·埃尔丁说, Wells县经济发展的执行董事.

该县的工资一直在增长,因为“第一, the companies that have announced many of the expansions over the last few years have been better paying, 和第二, 这是我们的目标,他说.

“我们问:‘你打算付多少钱?’我们的激励机制就建立在此基础上。. “If we have somebody coming in with low scale, we minimally incentivize those companies.”

Economic development officials there coach employers needing highly skilled workers on the advantages of compensating them well, saying that will help attract and retain the kind of employees who meet their skill requirements, 他说.

“如果他们告诉我他们付11美元, $12, 每小时13美元, I tell them there’s more upward pressure on salaries now because of limited workforce and market demand,他说.

Efforts by Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership to increase wages in the area have included work to support and expand well paying industrial clusters such as specialty insurance, 考特尼·特里奇说, 营销副总裁.

NIRP announced last November it had led the formation of Northeast Indiana Specialty Insurers to bring companies in that industry together to collaborate on developing talent and new opportunities, advocacy and marketing the area as an important insurance industry hub.

“We have a large number of people engaged in this profession in our area,——帕特·沙利文, Hylant执行副总裁兼NISI主席, 在事先准备好的声明中说了什么. “我们想要保护这些就业机会,同时创造新的就业机会. We will work to develop strong partnerships with the insurance companies, 我们的经济发展组织, 高中和大学,让我们的机会最大化.”

Other industrial clusters the partnership is trying to grow in the area include defense, 医疗设备, 车辆, 物流与食品加工. Working with them is an important approach to attracting jobs that pay above the state’s average hourly wage, Tritch说.

“总的来说, we’re focusing on industries we have strength in and industries that have the potential for high wage jobs,特里奇说.

Industrial clusters expand when they attract and retain the talent needed to prosper. That involves increasing the quality of an industry’s specialized work force with excellent training programs and attracting top talent by marketing the area’s quality of life and selling it as a region where the number of professional opportunities within the industry will multiply, 她说.

The population of northeast Indiana is only growing at an annual rate of 0.7 percent and communities the partnership benchmarks for economic growth comparisons are expanding their populations at a 2 percent rate, Tritch说.

“那么我们该如何吸引这些人才呢?”她说。. “We have to have the talent to attract the high wage jobs and we have to have the quality of life to attract the talent. We’re not going to have the workforce we need if we don’t focus on that.”

Average annual wage growth from 2013 to 2014 was stronger for northeast Indiana at 2.比印第安纳州的2名高出85%.14%, according to Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

根据这些数据, supplied by Community Research Institute at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, all of the region’s 10 counties surpassed the state in the percentage of annual average wage growth.

“We have to remember the Great Recession didn’t actually end until 2009 and unemployment spiked in 2009 and 2010,特里奇说. “The great news is we are climbing out of that faster than the state.”

A comparison of average annual wage growth for the counties from 2013 to 2014 also showed Wells County leading, 平均上涨了11点.8%至39,536美元. 艾伦县的平均工资第二高,为40美元,989, 但它在该地区的郡县中增长最少, at 2.26%.

文章由Doug LeDuc撰写 dleduc@kpcmedia.com由…提供 FW商业周刊

