Northeast Indiana Housing Study Reveals Need for Housing Development

韦恩堡,印第安纳州. -未来五年, counties in Northeast Indiana could support the development of nearly 16,000个新住宅单位.

东北印第安纳地区伙伴关系 韦恩堡房屋建筑商协会. 和 UPSTAR北部房地产经纪人联盟® 一起工作 Zimmerman/Volk Associates, 公司.发布 住宅市场潜力分析 印第安纳州东北部的10个县.

The purpose of the study is to determine the market potential for new rental and for-sale housing units that could be developed within 10 of the 11 counties of the Northeast Indiana region over the next five years. 这10个县包括亚当斯县, 迪卡尔布, 亨廷顿, 科修斯科山, 拉格朗日, 高贵的, Steuben, 沃巴什, 韦尔斯和惠特利. 艾伦 County was excluded because it is the home of Fort Wayne, 印第安纳州第二大城市, 一个独立的市场.

As Northeast Indiana works to attract and retain talent and grow the region’s population to one million residents by 2030 as part of the 2030愿景倡议, available housing is a critical factor in relocation and retention decisions.

研究发现,该地区可能会吸收8,775 to 10,975个新出租单位, 765至955套新联排别墅, 和2,645 to 3,965栋新的独立住宅——总共12栋,185 to 15,五年内新建895套住房.

迈克尔·加尔布雷斯是 通往百万富翁之路 东北印第安纳地区伙伴关系, 说他经常收到当地雇主的来信, local economic developers and elected officials outside of 艾伦 County that the housing market is in a critical upside-down state. 

“好几年了, 尤其是在2008年开始的经济衰退之后, the ten counties outside of 艾伦 haven’t had enough new houses, townhomes and apartments built to attract new residents to their cities and towns. 不仅如此, but the rehab efforts seen in places like downtown Fort Wayne 和 West Central neighborhood haven’t yet occurred in large measure in our rural counties. This lack of growth has kept the value of existing houses low while the cost of constructing new houses continues to rise,加尔布雷斯说.

Galbraith said this situation creates a scarcity of quality housing that drives potential new employees away from accepting good jobs at Northeast Indiana businesses, 加剧了该地区严峻的劳动力挑战. 


贝丝沃克, 北州房地产经纪人联盟董事会主席, 说理解问题, 然后定义和衡量挑战, 解决住房需求的第一步是什么.

“Realtors® can best serve the community by understanding the region’s market. This housing study is not only critical in forecasting future growth and investment in these 10 counties, but also in preparing our membership for a potential shift in housing availability,沃克说。.

这项研究 presents a clear picture of housing needs in the region, with 52 percent of the need in multi-family rental housing and nearly 40 percent in single-family detached housing.

Less in-demand are multi-family for-sale units like condominiums, representing less than 3 percent and single-family attached units like townhouses or duplexes comprising 6 percent of the need.

The analysis compared households by life stages to better understand housing opportunities, 和 following groups make up a percentage of the total residential market potential:

  • Traditional and non-traditional families account for 45 percent of the market potential
  • Younger singles and childless couples account for 31 percent of the market potential
  • Empty nesters and retirees account for 24 percent of the market potential

低收入家庭, a significant number of the proposed rental market opportunities are designed to correspond to the annual incomes of entry-and lower-level workers in the manufacturing industry, where hourly wages for those workers range between $13 and $20 per hour.


Beth Johnson, executive director at the 韦恩堡房屋建筑商协会. (HBA), noted that within their six-county jurisdiction there were more than 1,400 single-family permits pulled in 2018; 411 of those were in Adams, 迪卡尔布, 亨廷顿, 威尔斯和惠特利县.

“有12个的潜力,000 to 15,000个新住宅单位 in the 10-county region over the next five years, the findings of this study will help area builders and developers project their paths for investment and growth in the noted housing markets and meet the needs of the local community. The HBA’s mission is to promote the building industry and our members while providing the tools they need to succeed. We are committed to projects that help improve the community in which we live, 工作和娱乐,约翰逊说.

这项研究 identified types of housing appropriate for Northeast Indiana, including:

  • 大厦公寓
  • 四合院公寓
  • 阁楼公寓
  • 混合用途公寓楼
  • Microunits
  • 柔软的阁楼
  • 公寓
  • 零售以上公寓

目前,有几个发展是由 东北印第安纳州地区发展局 in progress or nearing completion that encompass elements of the types of housing identified by the study.


  • 艾伦县的天际线大厦
  • 科修斯科县北布法罗街重建项目
  • 斯图本县企业中心(一期)
  • 亨廷顿县的UB街区
  • 艾伦县的后人学者之家
  • 登陆艾伦县

这项研究 是由区域机会委员会资助的吗, 区域伙伴关系投资者委员会, 韦恩堡房屋建筑商协会. 和北州房地产经纪人联盟®.

下一个, the Regional Partnership will convene a housing committee to develop regional strategies and solutions to current housing needs based on the new data. The committee is made up of local and regional economic developers, 银行专业人士, 房地产经纪人和其他开发商.

要访问数据, visit the 印第安纳州东北部区域伙伴关系's Infrastructure section on the Regional 报告 page at

The 印第安纳州东北部区域伙伴关系’s mission is to build, market and sell Northeast Indiana to increase business investment. Founded in 2006, the public-private partnership strives to build a globally competitive region. The Partnership’s Vision 2030 framework supports collaborative regional efforts to increase per capita income, population growth and educational attainment by focusing on business attraction, 人才吸引和人才发展. 伙伴关系代表11个成员国:亚当斯, 艾伦, 迪卡尔布, 亨廷顿, 科修斯科山, 拉格朗日, 高贵的, Steuben, 沃巴什, 韦尔斯和惠特利. 欲kok娱乐信息,请访问


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